Who's On-Line Now?

Friday 2 June 2006

Coming in half-way through the movie.

I am constantly surprised when the media are so slow on the uptake when it comes to the effect that comics have had, and are continuing to have, on society and the way that comics reflect society. The media are making a bit of a big deal of the re-introduction of Batwoman, and, oh my gosh, she is a lesbian! Shock! Horror!
I recal a similar rash of stories when
Northstar came out in the Alpha Flight comic about 14 years ago, though most readers had guessed he was gay long before. Northstar isn't the first gay hero in comics and certainly will not be the last. Ditto for Batwoman.
But I don't remember there being press interest when Roger Bochs was introduced to Alpha Flight (the first paraplegic hero I recall seeing), or
Aurora (with her multiple personalities), or Sasquatch (with his / her unwanted gender swap). The last three were all from the first run of Alpha Flight, no wonder I loved the comics so much. It has been relaunched twice without much success, mainly, I believe, due to the fact that the original formula wasn't followed and the "edge" lost, by ignoring the humanity of the various disfunctional characters. Nothing was said, that I can recall, either about the introduction of an overweight hero, Big Bertha. Though, I guess that her alter-ego as a catwalk model (of the usual size could explain this).
If you want to see the vast array of gay, lesbian, transexual, trans-gender and sexually ambiguous characters in comics then check out the Gay League. Even I was surprised how many characters there were.

Personally I look forward to reading comics with her in, just to see how she is handled, and I love the new costume. I always liked Batgirl (the Barbara Gordon version) and I preferred the old Batwoman costume, though yellow was an unusual choice for a night-stalking vigilante!!

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