Who's On-Line Now?

Wednesday 28 June 2006

Aussie Rules (or at least it used to)

Now I hope I haven't got this all wrong, or should I say I hope I have, but I've just read a news article about the legal action taken against a gay Australian Rules Football fan site (www.gayfooty.com.au) . Aparently some players didn't like the fact that "socially embarassing" photographs appeared on the site, such as pictures of them showering or of them in the changing rooms.
Now, I would guess that someone knew there was a photographer in the changing room and, if they didn't want him / her there, then I'm sure someone would have done something. These are big butch men after all! Could it be the fact that it is a GAY site that was the issue?
My first thought was that it must be a closetted player didn't like the ribbing (that's ribbing not rimming) he possibly got from teammates that he found to be a bit too close for comfort. But that is just speculation on my part.
Searching for other information about the story, I came across endless sites with topless pictures of the boys, including semi-nude pictures they have posed for in the Men of all Seasons calendar. Doesn't this make it all a bit hypocritical?
Moreover, what are they saying to true footie fans who happen to be gay, or those who have gay friends or relatives, and to any children who are fans and are, or think they may be, gay. What message is that giving those kids. As it is, my personal experience as a child was of knowing that I liked men at about age 7, but "knowing" it was "wrong" because of all the negative stereotypes and lack of any positive rolemodels in the media. Not to mention the way the media itself handled "gay issues."
The way I lok at it is this:
  • These guys are professional athletes and so will be seen in "various states of undress" just by competing in their sports.
  • As professionals they are in the public eye by choice, so are fair game for photographers while competing and in media environments, and, to a lesser extend, whenever they are "out and about."
  • Requests for removal of photographs from any media need to be given time to be complied with and good reasons given.
  • Do these people think that this sort of action will see them in any sort of positive light? Any time that you ban something, it just makes the banned item more desirable, it is almost a law of Physics.

So, my advise to those who made the complaints in the first place is:

  • Think why it is you want these images hidden from the public who admire you, for what ever reason they do so.
  • Don't you make enough money from gays fans, their freinds and families, when they buy your kits, books, magazines, programs etc etc etc? If you alienate a section of your fan base it will only affect your finances in the long run.
  • If you are doing it because you are "in the closet" then do you not realise that this is bringing you more into the spotlight and into the detection of many people's gaydar?

To the teammates of the complainants:

  • Give your moning mate a kick up the arse and set them straight, so to speak.

I was initially intendin to post some pics to accompany this item, but have decided not to in case I give some publicity to a player who may have initiated this complaint. I wouldn't want them to profit from this matter in any way. Gayfootie.com kep up the good work.

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