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Friday, 6 August 2010

Setting Examples

There is often debate about whether "celebrities" should come out and be open about their sexuality. I think, in most cases, it is a good thing and the following is a great example of why. Here is a snippet of an interview with Gareth Thomas that I saw on the LGBT History Month UK Facebook page (linked to Pink News [via the Daily Mail apprently!]):

"Thomas [said] he was pleased his experience of coming out has helped others.

He said: "Last weekend I was in London, waiting for a train on the Underground, when this teenager, who must have been around 19, came and sat next to me.

"He looked at me and said 'Are you Gareth Thomas?' and when I said yes, he replied: 'I just want to say thank you so much. I was terrified of telling my parents I was gay, but when I did they said, don't worry, haven't you heard that Gareth Thomas is gay?'.

"It took away that awful feeling that he was going to be rejected. Now, that made me feel great."

It just goes to show the good that your actions can result in. I know that, just by being out at work (at a previous position) has helped at least one person to come out and be happier with themselves, because the person told me so. I also know that it has helped at least 2 others to come out (at two separate jobs that I had). If I achieve nothing else in life (and god knows I haven't) then at least I have helped someone be happier.

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