I went to Essex to see my sisters and their kids yesterday, I go about twice a year (the other time being Christmas) and it always exhausts me. I decided to dress up to look my sexiest, to show off my new better physique, as when I went down at Christmas time, my eldest sister (Lynn) had commented on my weight (it was the heaviest I had ever been). Ironically she does this I think to deflect from the fact that she is overweight, the largest in our family, but I decline to sink to her level. I was very disappointed that not one of the family commented on how good I look. Shallow eh?
I was also disappointed that, when I got to my other sister (Maxine)'s place, I had forgotten that she had 3 very excitable dogs, and didn't know that she had added two more since my last visit. All of them Staffordshires!! So, as soon as I entered her house, all five dogs had jumped up at me and got dirty paw marks, piss marks (1 of the pups gets VERY excited) and slobber marks all over my beige trousers. Not a good start to the visit. I think Maxine could see that I was not impressed, though I kept my cool.
Eventually the dogs calmed down, but just as they did my brother-in-law came home and it started again, then with his brother, then with my niece, then with my sister. It was never ending. My niece also brought over her 3 daughters (all under 4 years old) and so there was the noise from them too, which was okay in short bursts.
And the eldest and most spoiled of the lot!!
Everyone left and we then were able to relax for a couple of hours before we went out to dinner to celebrate Lynn and her hubby's 20th Anniversary, with a lovely meal at Giraffe in Lakeside. After which we returned to Lynn's for a short while, who also has a big puppy (another Staf!). I left there at just after 23:00 to get my train home.
During my visit my brother-in-law kept on offering to let me stay over for the night and saying that I could stay with them if I had to leave "the flat from hell," which, although a very nice offer and is very much appreciated, will NEVER happen. I can't put up with all those bloody dogs.
When I eventually got home after midnight I had to have a long shower to get the smell of the dogs out of me, I wouldn't have been able to sleep otherwise. I do love dogs, but they are really messy and smelly animals. I was glad to be home. I got some nice pictures though.
"...they are really messy and smelly animals."
LOL, I wonder what they are saying about you.
1st dog: Did you smell him?
2nd dog: Ya, the bitch got lucky last night.
Never thought of it that way.
[[Note to self: Apologise to dogs for my nasty human smell!!]] :-(
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