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Sunday, 15 August 2010

I Should Stick With My Instincts

I knew I should have followed my instincts and stayed in last night. It wasn't a very good one. It started off well, I felt good about how I looked, which is always important, though I was still feeling tired. As I walked to the cashpoint near home I saw a guy I speak to at the gym (and had fun with a few times too) come out of the gym and briefly spoke to him. He was going into Soho too so it was possible that I would see him there (I didn't though).
Things went downhill from when I first got into Comptons. They had sold out of my favourite beverage (on a Saturday night!! Surely you would stock up on drinks for the weekend?), I wasn't going to pay double for a "similar" drink that I don't like, so I left and went to the Duke of Wellington instead. Never a good pub to drink in on your own. I had one there and went on to Rupert Street.
I didn't speak to anyone there and there was no one that I really fancied at all. I went to Barcode at about 23:00. Same here. Not very many attractive people out, they must have all been out the night before while I was otherwise occupied. Damn.
I briefly spoke to 2 people in Barcode, one, a neighbour who I found out yesterday has deleted me from his Facebook friends (never a good feeling when someone does that, even if you don't chat with them). The other guy was someone I chat to whenever I see him, but he wasn't in a chatty mood last night as he was a bit wasted and wanted to "get it on" with a guy he was out with. I stuck it out as long as I could and came home at around midnight.
The best thing about the night is that I only wasted £30! Oh, and no hangover this morning as I had a munchies session before I went to bed.
I can't believe I have to go back to work tomorrow.

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