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Sunday, 4 July 2010

Richard's Party

As planned, I went to the gym yesterday, but as my cold is coming to an end (I hope) I was experiencing the worst effects and began to feel dizzy while I was lifting weights, so I gave up.
I got changed and headed into Soho to check out Pride planning to go on to Richard's party straight from there. I walked through Soho Square, down to Compton Street, along to The Duke of Wellington and round to Rupert Street. It was packed in most places but lacked atmosphere except in a couple of places, so I gave up and came back home. I did manage to see Chris Geary in his usual finery which is always a pleasure.
I got to Richard's party in Clapham at about 20:30 and initially wasn't impressed. The room he had was upstairs in the pub, and looked like a squat. There were only a couple of people there that I knew to start and the straight crowd in the bar downstairs looked intimidating. But after I'd relaxed a bit I had a really good time, and the crowd downstairs were actually quite friendly. A few of the guys were incredibly sexy and a couple even made a point of saying hello, several times. One of them felt that he had to come over to tell me that he was straight at the end of the night though, I didn't doubt it, but maybe he was protesting too much??
When we all left, at 03:00 I was still in the party mood and so went on to the 2 Brewers, thinking that it was open for another couple of hours. Unfortunately it closed at 04:00, which was probably for the best actually.
I have a headache still, which does not seem to want to shift. I am still intending to head to the gym later though, probably about 17:00 (to give me more time to recover).
Oh, I almost forgot, I got talking to a friend of Richard's, who I've met once before, and he has a room to rent at a reasonable price and within walking distance of work, though a lot further from there than I am at the moment. I am thinking of going to view it tonight, it can't hurt can it?

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