Who's On-Line Now?

Sunday, 8 February 2009


I am getting a bit frustrated with not having Word on my laptop. When I bought it I stupidly assumed that all laptops and computers had a word processor included, then found out that mine didn't. I won't make that mistake again. I couldn't afford at the time to buy Microsoft Word (any version) and so had to settle for the only free word processor I could find which was Open Office. As far as it goes it is okay. It is only worth what I paid for it when it comes to communicating with other networks though. Most computer systems cannot read Open Office, so I have limited luck when it comes to forwarding my CV for jobs. I really need to buy a new laptop / PC WITH Word this time so that I can communicate effectively.
At work last week, where we do have Word, I entered the details of my (poorly set out) CV and forwarded it to some friends to get their ideas for improving it. I received a reply back from one of my friends and made some changes from home and forwarded it back to them both to see what they thought. Unfortunately neither could open the file as they don't have Open Office on their PCs, so couldn't open the file to have a look.
This also frustrates me when it comes to arranging a compilation of my written work (which isn't much admittedly). I want to be able to have it all available electronically in case an opportunity arises necessitating a quick reply by email. Yes, I can post the print offs by snail mail, but not many places deal Royal Mail nowadays, at least not initially. Even so, as I am unable to do otherwise, I am going to ready a pack of my best work in case I have to post it off. Shouldn't take long! lol


Anonymous said...

Hi Alex:

Re your use of Open Office, depending on which version you're using, it has the ability to 'save as' in a variety of different Microsoft Word formats, in addition to it's own generic format.

Even better, if you select 'Export' instead of 'Save As', it will export your document to a .PDF format which all computers can read (including Macs) through the universal Adobe Acrobat Reader.


Alex said...

Hey Barry,
That is brilliant. I didn't know that. It will make things a lot easier for me now.
Thanks a million matey, I owe you one.
