Who's On-Line Now?

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Steelers Next Top Model

I had an amazingly good time last night, though I shouldn't be surprised as I normally do with the Steelers. I got to the 2 Brewers at 19:30 to be told by Humberto that he wasn't going. None of my other (non-Steelers) friends wanted to go either. I was a bit miffed to begin with, especially when I saw that there wasn't anyone there that I actually knew well enough to talk to.
After about 20 minutes of me playing with my phone ,I saw Tracy and started chatting to her and then some familiar faces came in and my evening really started. None of the four contestants in the Next Top Model contest were particularly attractive, except maybe Rob, on the right in the picture.
But half way through they got about 8 of the team up on stage in their rugby kit which was auctioned off. I thought I should do something and so asked the guys I was standing with who looked about my size, they suggested Tom and so I bid on his kit. Tom is a guy that I have a little bit of a crush on. He doesn't have the best body on the team, not that there is anything wrong with his body, but there is something about him that I really like. He has a fantastic honest-looking smile too and comes across as someone you could definitely introduce to your mother (not that I have that option). I wasn't expecting to win, but I did and had the privilege of stripping him of the top AND the shorts too all for the bargain price of £50 (I know, I can't really afford it, but it should get me out of having to do the 10km run next Saturday). I chatted briefly to him later and he seems even nicer than I had thought.There were a few other of my lesser crushes from the team there too. Ed, back from his South American trip, was talking to Kerry (who I have lusted after for years after initially chatting to him on Gaydar when he lived in New Zealand) and I chatted to both of them. I was introduced to Scott, the team captain, who I also have a major lusting for, and it turns out that he works at the company I have just transferred to! He has a boyfriend though, but is a nice guy, maybe I'll see him at work sometime.
At some point toward the end of the night I got talking to a handsome young guy, David, and brought him home, it must have been about 03:00 when we left the bar. He stayed the night and we had a good chat this morning when we woke. Nice guy.
Today though, I am really hungover, not a headache, but feeling tired and dizzy, but it was so worth it. Such a fantastic night.

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