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Saturday, 18 April 2009

Bite My Tongue

A couple of hours into my shift tonight I had a call from my manager (on his way home from the pub) letting me know that one of my work colleagues has also figured out that our employers owe him some holiday time. (I had mentioned this to the guy a couple of months back, but it has obviously taken a while to sink in!). So, with him and potentially one other guy also making complaints about missing holiday dates, I think that my case has just become a whole lot stronger.
On top of this my manager told me that the building manager has a meeting next week with one of the top people from OCS (my employer). The guy who will be visiting it the boss of the boss of my area manager!! So, remember the letter I sent to my area manager's boss last week (which was passed back to the area manager to deal with), well this guy would have been my next step up the ladder! It so happens that next week, on the Thursday and Friday, I am covering for my manager and so, if the meeting takes place then, I may get to explain my situation to him then in person. Though I will have to bite my tongue, especially if the area manager is with him, because the whole situation has got me really riled at times.
If I don't get to speak to him myself then I've been assured that the building manager now understands the situation and is actively pursuing my (our) cause. Things are looking brighter, slightly, and that is also helped by the fact that I only had one email from the area manager today (despite telling him that my manager has all the information about the situation that he would need!).
We are getting there.

In the mean time, I still have not received a reply from the solicitors that I emailed and so have emailed a second company. We shall see if they reply.

I potentially have one more job that I want to apply for, but do not have all the details I need with me at work to fill out their on-line application form. I'll bring all that in tomorrow.

So. all in all, not a bad night for a change.

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