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Thursday, 2 June 2011

Happy 50th Craig

Today would have been the 50th birthday of probably the most influential person in my entire life, Craig Armet.
Craig came into my life shortly after my first really bad bout of depression and was the first person I felt could give me support and advice, especially about my sexuality. He helped me realise the real me, helped me become the person that I could be, not the person I thought everyone wanted me to be. When I moved to Torquay, where he lived, to be closer to him and the other close friends that he had enabled me to make, I finally became the person I was meant to be, the person I am today.

Don't get me wrong he had his bad points; he could be incredibly stubborn, infuriating and lecherous, but his good qualities overwhelmed any negative points. He was funny, intelligent, generous, caring and loyal. And lets not forget that he introduced me to my other two best friends in the world, Alexis and Francis, along with many other good fun people.

Craig died 8 years ago and I still miss him. I miss his advice, his company, his sense of humour and his stories.
I'll be going on holiday tomorrow for the first time in about 18 years, and by coincidence that last time that I went abroad was in his company. I shall endeavour to live up to his holiday dream and have as much sex as humanly possible.


Anonymous said...

What happened to Craig? Why did he die so young?
Bob in Manassas, Virginia USA

Alex said...

Craig died of complications caused by Hepititus. Not a pleasant way to go.
I must say though, despite the occassion, his funeral was the best I have ever been to. So many people they were packing the car park too, so much celebration of his life and funny stories, even from his parents and everyone just remembering the good and embarrassing times, not the death and loss. That's how it should be done every time, if we only could always have that strength.