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Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Damn These Meeces!!

I was kept awake for hours last night by these bloody mice! I wasn't even spared when I left the door open for them to leave (it worked the other night). At various points during the night I saw it (them): running along the top of my clothes rail; on the window sill; staring down at me from the top of my DVD player and climbing half-way up the blinds! And also heard (it) them various other places around my room throughout the night. It was infuriating, especially thinking that there could be mouse faeces or urine over my clothes now!
Despite getting very little sleep I still woke and got up early this morning (well, early for a day off). I have spent all morning moving stuff around in my room, cleaning and packing stuff up to throw away or move down to the cellar. Just so that the mice have less places to hide. It will be futile I just know it, but it means I've made some hard decisions to get rid of some crap that I never use (I'm a bit of a hoarder, always thinking "I could use that sometime!").

Do any of you lovely readers know of anything that will repel mice (i.e. like orange peel apparently does for cats)? I need all the help I can get.


Anonymous said...

Smell from a larger animal (i.e. dog, cat, horse, etc.) will make them seek better surroundings. Do NOT use sticky traps; when they get caught in them, the squealing is somewhat unpleasant. I used poison made to kill mice; they take it back to the nest, die and don't smell.

Alex said...

Cheers Jeff,
We used to have a cat but, and very few mice, but the old landlord took him when he left and the new landlord doesn't want a cat. I guess the smell from him has finally disappeared completely.
My landlord has got pest control in, but the problem seems to be getting worse not better. Up until this month I had never noticed any mice in my room at all.
I will move a couple of the poison boxes into my room though as it is really getting annoying now.
Cheers anyhow.