Who's On-Line Now?

Sunday 22 July 2012

Olympic Torch Relay

Today I made my way to Elm Park to watch the chairman of the Kings Cross Steelers, Tim Sullivan, run with the Olympic Torch. I was running late, because going on the District Line I had to wait for the fifth train to get to that station. I eventually got there 15 minutes after I intended, but was still early (even though it was a 15 minute walk to the actually running site).
There were about 40 of the Steelers there, which was great and we saw Tim run past all too quickly. What was unfortunate was that his mother, who was watching in a chair by the side, fell into the road as she tried to get a better look, just before he ran past. She is getting on a bit and so it could have been quite serious. She ended up missing him running past altogether while she was tended.
Half of us then went to a pub by Hornchurch station for a couple of drinks where we met Tim (he'd had to go back to the start and get his car). He was overrun with people asking to take picture with him in his white running outfit and Olympic Torch. It did get a bit ridiculous, as he ended up having about 40 photos taken and that's not counting the ones with us, but took it in his stride. He left after a while to go and see his mother in the hospital.

I was hoping that the guys were going to go to the Vauxhall Tavern, as I had been asked to meet Thain & Darren there. But, by the time I got back to Clapham it was 19:00 and so was too late.

Monday 16 July 2012

Kings Cross Steelers

I can't remember if I've mentioned it to you guys yet, but it seems that I am resuming my role as second team captain with the Kings Cross Steelers, the same role I had during the Bingham Cup. I think I was the only one who volunteered for the position at the AGM, but even so I am happy to be more involved.
Although I am not Recruitment Manager, I feel that it is my duty to get to know the new players and support all the other players during training, you never know who is going to be in the second team. And, after all, we are all one team at the end of the day. This is why I am making a point of attending all training sessions that I can, at least during pre-season anyway.
I also am promoting the Steelers and looking for potential players and supporters. I'm constantly recruiting (even when on Grindr and Scruff). So, I thought I would do the same here. If you like rugby, or think you might, but have never watched it, then come along to training to either watch or train (we train newbies as well as experienced ones).
Here is a copy of the flyer we have been given out:

Sunday 8 July 2012

World Pride

What I can remember of yesterday:
I joined the Steelers at Manchester Square at 10:00 and we made our way to our start point of the Pride Parade just before 11:00. The start of the Parade was brought forward, for unknown reasons, from 13:00 to 11:00. We didn't actually start moving until about 13:00 anyway. I could have had a lie in. All the time we were waiting to move it was dry, just as we started to move it started to rain. Apparently there were twice as many people in the march as was expected, we were told there were 20,000 in the march this year.
I'm relaxed and confident enough with my place in the team now to be able to talk comfortably with all the players and supporters. And some of them go out of their way to talk to me too, which is always nice.
During the march we were instructed to recruit as many potential players and supporters as we could. We were given business cards to hand out to possible people. I made it my aim to recruit the gorgeous ones (I don't think I was alone in this). I managed to find several people who were both gorgeous and potentially interested in playing and some potential supporters too. I even gave a card to Chris Geary, as I know he plays Rugby League. I asked him to come along to just one match and see if he wanted to consider changing codes. Unfortunately I didn't have a pen to write my personal number on the cards.
After the march, we were going to start our drinking at Halfway to Heaven (where I saw Richard and Lawrence), but it was too packed for us all so we went to the Duke of Wellington instead. We stood outside for the whole time we were there (the weather mostly held out for us). I didn't buy any drinks in the bars though, I saved my money and bought cans from supermarkets instead. Cheap, I know, but it saved me so much money (and queueing time).
Staying in one place all day is a great idea as everyone else seems to move around and almost everyone I know walked past at some point. I saw Humberto, Dean & Jamie, Tony, Ashleigh, Kerry, Prav and David (among others). I also met a few new guys too, including Samuel (though I don't actually remember meeting him there) who is gorgeous.
Gareth Thomas also came along at one point and I chatted to him like he was a mate, shook his hand and then directed him to where Tim (our chairman and his mate) was.
As it got dark a group of us decided to go to the 2 Brewers (which suited me fine, being so close to home). We had a fantastic time there too. I flirted with several people there, including one guy who was there with his girlfriend and always flirts with me overtly in front of her when I see him in there.
I was so warm, and had been wearing the Steelers tour top all day (as instructed by the team for the march earlier), so I took it off and stayed topless for the rest of the night. When I went to leave it had gone, some bastard must have stolen it. I was not happy. Luckily I had a hoodie in my bag as it was pissing down when I left.

This evening I met up with Samuel, though he ended up getting to Clapham about 3 hours after he said he would be here. When he arrived he was tired and so was I so there wasn't much in the way of conversation really and after just one coke in Kazbar he went home, which was a shame as he is gorgeous.

I had intended to call in sick the today anyway, as I knew it was likely that I would have a hangover. Unfortunately I went straight to sleep when I got home and so forgot. I woke at 06:30 and realised that I hadn't called in, so quickly did it, saying I was vomiting all night. I had a hoarse voice anyway, which hopefully helped me sound more convincing. I am however meant to give much more notice for being sick, so I may be in trouble. I really don't fancy going back to work tomorrow, but I have just called them to say that I will be back.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Clapham Street Party

Yesterday was a fairly busy for me. I got a message on Grindr first thing and arranged to meet a guy. I had met him before at the gym and so was happy to hook up. Just after I'd arranged it I got a message from another guy, much sexier and more muscular, but I couldn't cancel the first arrangement (it's not polite), so I had to turn down the hot guy. The first guy came over but wouldn't do anything other than wank because he saw I had a split lip. He eventually left with neither of us being satisfied.
I had to get ready for the Clapham Street Party later so I didn't have time to rearrange a meet up with the second guy. Maybe another time.
I asked Tim, Richard and Humberto if they wanted to come over to mine first for some drinks, before going to the party. None of them wanted to. My ideas never seem to be popular. I went to the party at just before 15:00 and met Humberto there. Richard turned up soon after as did a couple of the Steelers (Kevin and Scott, are they a couple now?). Tim also turned up later with one of his young, Latino shags (who didn't stick around long).
I had my Steelers top on as I was meant to be promoting the team and recruiting new players and supporters. It did mean that I had an excuse to talk to hot guys if I wanted and made use of that excuse. I don't know if I managed to recruit anyone, but I had a good time. I also got to chat to the gorgeous brother of an England rugby player. I hope that he turns up to play, or at least to watch. 
Harley Everett was there, like last year and so were several of the other Steelers.

I had arranged to meet Gary at the party at around 20:00. I met Gary at Chariots about a month ago, but have not been able to meet up with him since. Gary is handsome, very muscular and is a very good kisser. I met him by the entrance and we soon left to go back to mine. In case you don't know, my place is just across the road from the party.
After a couple of hours he left to meet some friends at XXL. I was intending on heading there later after going to the 2 Brewers. I queued at the Brewers, but after 15 minutes of the line not moving I gave up and headed to Chariots instead. I don't know why.

I finally got home at around 04:00. Just after I got off the bus I saw that there was a guy laying next to a car (road side). Initially I thought he had been hit by a car, but it turns out that he was just incredibly drunk. Once I made sure he was conscious I persuaded him to stand up and once I knew he wasn't injured I helped him up and to the pavement, where he stood clinging to a lamppost. I then left him for the police to look after. My good deed for the day.

Now, tonight I have to go back to work. It is not fair. I know I have only worked 1 day in the last 16, but do I really have to go back to work tonight?

Thursday 21 June 2012

Birthday Week

I booked my whole birthday week off in the hopes that I would be constantly busy, contacted by lots of different people and having a wonderful time. It's not quite been that way, but I have had some fun.
On Saturday I went to the Kings Cross Steelers' AGM and their Annual Dinner too. I was meant to be going to XXL with a lot of them, but had a bad headache after the dinner, which ruined those plans.
I went into Soho on Monday, as it was a nice evening, though I wasn't expecting anyone to be out (I had texted a few people, but they all either said "no" or declined to answer). I went to Comptons and was joined by one of the Steelers (Reyes) and then another (Richard) and then a fellow supporter (Neil). I also met a handsome guy (Sebastian), who happened to be Scott (who I had asked out for drinks the other weekend)'s ex. We exchanged details. We went on to G.A.Y. Late, apparently, on the way I met another guy (Marco) who I exchanged numbers with (though I have no recollection of that). In G.A.Y. I remember flirting with Neil's friend Tom, then, after he left, I was flirting and snogging another guy (Alessio). We left together, but somewhere between there and Trafalgar Square he pissed me off somehow and I came home alone.
When I got to my front door, at about 04:00, there was a cute guy walking past. I caught his eye and stayed at my front door with it open for a few seconds longer than necessary and he took the hint. I brought him just inside the front door, into the hallway before you get to the stairs up to my flat. We had a little fun right there on the doormat before I shot my load and he left.
Overall it turned out to be a great night.

On Tuesday I went to see my family in Essex and had a good day, ending in a meal with them before watching England play football (not my choice). While I was there I was bitten by my sister's dog (my fault, I was holding her chew toy behind my back, which didn't fool her at all), I also started to develop a cold sore. By the time I got home at half past midnight, it was fully developed. I was not impressed to have this on my birthday week.
I had arranged to meet up with a couple of guys on the Wednesday, but obviously couldn't with the cold sore. I was gutted, especially as I was still feeling really horny. Instead, I made the most of the rare sunshine and went to Clapham Common to sunbathe for a couple of hours, went to the gym and then back to the Common for another couple of hours.
When I woke this morning, my actual birthday, I felt sore from sunburn and saw that my "tan" was really REALLY patchy, like a red jigsaw all over my chest, with small white voids. I can only guess that when I was spraying on my sun protection, the wind, which was gusting slightly, made the spray miss certain areas. It looks like I have eczema.
The really sad thing about today is that I have only spoken to one person all day (not counting shop or bar staff), and that is Terry, my flat mate (who, incidentally, went out for drinks with a friend of his this afternoon, without inviting me). I went into Soho this evening on the off chance that someone I knew would be out, but didn't see anyone so came home after 2 pints. How sad is that, that no one wanted to spend time with me on my actual birthday. I know a few will be at my drinks tomorrow, but it would have been nice to have someone there for me today.
Oh well, tomorrow will hopefully more than make up for that. We shall see.

Sunday 17 June 2012

AGM & Annual Dinner

I attended the Steelers AGM yesterday late afternoon, followed by their Annual Dinner. I had been reticent about attending, still not feeling that I really belong. I changed my mind when I received an invite to the dinner on Facebook and yesterday afternoon was told I should attend the AGM too by a player I saw at the gym.
I arrived 5 minutes late embarrassingly, but I wasn't the last one there, which eased my embarrassment. During the meeting it was announced that the team managers positions that had been trialed at Bingham, with me being the second team manager, would be rolled out across the whole playing season and they were asking for volunteers. I was reluctant again to volunteer, but only because I can't attend most training sessions or matches because of my shifts including nights and weekends. They suggested that the manager doesn't have to attend every event, but can nominate someone to deal with issues. As that was the case I put my name forward. I don't think many others will volunteer, so I am almost guaranteed to get this position, probably for the second team again.

The dinner that followed was really nice, not teeth-breaking like the Bingham meal had been.
After the dinner were the awards. I missed out on the Supporter of the Year, won by Tom who had actually participated in support during the playing season (more than I could have done). I was a little disappointed (and jealous) at this, but it is driving me to do more next season. I'm trying to think of fundraising ideas, especially as, in order to get the same number of players and supporters to Sydney for the next Bingham (as it is the likely location for the tournament in 2014), the club will need to raise approximately £100,000!!! Ouch.
I did win something, along with the two other Bingham Team Managers. It was the Angela Merkel Award for German Efficiency (a fun award).
I limited my alcohol intake as the plan was to go to XXL afterwards. Unfortunately I had limited myself to the awful cider they serve at the clubhouse and developed a headache by 23:00. I couldn't face XXL with that headache so came home. Alone. I was really disappointed. It had been a nice evening though.

Friday 15 June 2012

R.I.P. Big Man

While at work last night I heard the sad news that Erik Rhodes had died in his sleep.
Erik Rhodes was one of the sexiest men in porn. He was very handsome. He had a great body with not too many tattoos. He looked like he was a great kisser. And he had a very, very nice cock.
I also always felt an affinity with him since I found out that he also struggled with depression. He was very open and honest on his blog about his struggles and I really appreciated that honesty.

I was really quite upset when I heard the news last night, but the outpouring from his peers in the porn industry was nice. He will be missed.

Saturday 9 June 2012

Bingham Cup 2012 (The Teams)

Here are most of the teams who took part in Bingham Cup 2012:

Amsterdam Lowlanders
 Atlanta Bucks
 Boston Ironsides
Bristol Bisons
 Caldeonian Thebans
 Charlotte Royals
 Chicago Dragons
 Dallas Diablos
 Dark Horses
 Emerald Warriors
 Gotham Knights
 Kings Cross Steelers A
 Kings Cross Steelers B
 Les Coq Festiv & Rebelyons Lyon
 Los Angeles Rebellion
 Los Valent de Montpellier
 Madison Minotaurs
 Melbourne Chargers
 Nashville Grizzlies
 Newcastle Ravens
 Ottawa Wolves
 San Francisco Fog B
 San Francisco Fog A
 Seattle Quake B
 Seattle Quake A
 Sparta Kings (Merged Kings Cross Steelers & Village Spartans third teams)
 Stockholm Berzerkers
 Straffe Ketten
 Sydney Convicts A
 Sydney Convicts B
 The Maelstrom (Merged Phoenix Storm & Minneapolis Mayhem teams)
 Village Spartans A
 Village Spartans B
 Washington Renegades (not sure which squad)
 Washington Renegades (not sure which squad)

If this doesn't go to prove that the Bingham Cup is an all inclusive sporting event, no matter your sexual orientation, age, build, race or experience you can be involved. Can I just say again: BEST WEEKEND OF MY LIFE!